The LOTRO Beacon: Issue #4
The latest news, bonuses, events, sales, and more from the world of Lord of the Rings Online!
The latest news, bonuses, events, sales, and more from the world of Lord of the Rings Online!
The latest news, bonuses, events, sales, and more!
The latest community news, events, bonuses, sales, and more!
The latest community news, events, and more!
Read our newest LOTRO Producer’s Letter!
FAQ about the transition to Standing Stone Games.
Today we have some momentous news! The game teams responsible for The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) are now moving from Turbine to Standing Stone Games, a newly formed indie game studio...
Click here for more info!
Click here for the latest player-run events!
March north! Escort Aragorn and the Host of the West into North Ithilien beneath ...
Looking at Premium Housing
Executive Producer Severlin has the latest on our plans for LOTRO in a new Producer’s Letter!
Farmers Faire: September 1st - 15th
Learn about the Stable-master in this Developer's Diary from DrOctothorpe!
Update 18: Now Available!
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields drew to a close in Update 18, but a battle so large could not be contained by a single Update – or even two if you count Update 17!
Join us in celebrating 9 amazing years!
Hello, I'm Kevin "EdgeCase" Nolan, and I'd like to talk to you about Featured Instances, launching in Update 18. Featured Instances allows you to get new rewards for playing some of the classic instances from LOTRO's past.
Hello, I'm Kevin "EdgeCase" Nolan, and I'd like to talk to you about three major combat changes coming in Update 18: the Avoidance swap, the Mastery revamp, and the Medium Armour Mitigation fix.
There comes a day when every team must gird for battle. True, we’d done battles before, but never anything quite like this.
Your time is now! Bring the Rohirrim South and play your part in one of the largest battles in Middle-earth.
We will be offering Free transfers between remaining worlds following the below schedule.
2015 was a great year for LOTRO, and we hope you agree! We had many large beats to cover this year as we built out more of Gondor including the two great cities of Osgiliath and Minas Tirith.
Hello, everyone! I'm EdgeCase, and I'm very happy to be able to tell you all about the update to Crafting coming in Update 17. In general, this will look a lot like the existing crafting tiers, but with a few important changes.
Update 17: The Siege of Minas Tirith, Now Available!