World Closure Announcement

Characters on all of these worlds will be saved and will be available to transfer to a remaining world for free, indefinitely.
We will begin the transfer process by opening the test world, Bullroarer, for character copy. We will then open transfers between the 10 remaining worlds. Then the worlds that are closing will be opened for transfer, a few at a time, in the order they are listed below. Please watch the website, forums, and launcher for announcements regarding timing. *Note: Brandywine will be unavailable for incoming transfers for a time until population and load can be re-evaluated on new hardware.*
For more information regarding the transfer system and world closures, please see the article posted here:
Closing Worlds:
US |
EU |
Elendilmir |
Estel |
Riddermark |
Gilrain |
Firefoot |
Eldar |
Nimrodel |
Anduin |
Windfola |
Morthond |
Imladris |
Maiar |
Dwarrowdelf |
Vanyar |
Silverlode |
Withywindle |
Vilya |
Snowbourn |
Meneldor |
Remaining Worlds:
US |
EU |
Arkenstone |
Belegaer |
Crickhollow |
Gwaihir |
Landroval |
Sirannon |
Gladden |
Laurelin |
Brandywine |
Evernight |